How to Design a High Converting Email Newsletter

Do you send an email newsletter to help drive sales and revenue for your business? 

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You’re not alone. In fact, according to our own research, email newsletters are still one of the most popular types of email campaigns marketers send.

But do you know the different elements to include in your newsletter to get the best results? If not, you could be missing out on valuable clicks and sales.

Read on to learn the key elements to include in your newsletter to help increase conversions and drive more sales and revenue.

According to Forbes, customers are increasingly demanding more personalized engagement, but only 10% of top tier retail brands say they’re highly effective at personalization.

Design Your Email Newsletter Well

Good design is one of the fundamentals of sending an engaging and high-converting newsletter. Your messaging could be well-written and thorough, but ultimately if your audience can’t read or understand the form of your content, they will quickly lose interest and may even unsubscribe completely from future newsletters.

 Another key consideration is to design your email to be accessible and responsive across all devices including tablets, and phones while also taking different browsers and email clients into consideration. There are some notorious problems with certain email combinations such as using MailChimp to deliver emails to users who use Outlook, for example, so be mindful of the limitations here and make sure that your templates and designs are universally responsive. Many email software providers now provide responsive templates, such as the ones below.

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Another thing to remember when creating high-converting email newsletters is that you want your audience to engage further with your brand once reading it. Whether your strategy is to generate social media followers, yield leads, or for your audience to read a full article on your website, it’s important to keep your messaging clear, concise and to the point. Making sure that each section of your newsletter has no more than 75-80 words, will also guide you in not sacrificing conversions by giving too much away.

Lastly on design, make sure that your branding is clear throughout. Whether it’s your logo at the top, using a similar layout to your website, or using your brand/product name regularly, the key to keeping your open rates high with a static audience means creating brand recognition and familiarity.

Share Useful Insights

To create a high-converting newsletter that is regularly opened by your audience, a key thing to remember is to share useful insights and to remember to think as the customer, not as someone who knows your business inside and out.

When developing a content strategy for newsletters, think about how you can address your customers’ needs, wants, and problems. For example, if you are a car insurance company where your customers only purchase once every few years, you may wish to keep in touch throughout the year with the hopes of engaging and retaining them during their renewal period. Some useful content for car insurance email newsletter content would include guides to reducing fuel consumption, saving on servicing fees, or even tips on preparing your car for its MOT. While this isn’t an explicit sales message, by creating content that is relevant to the needs and current problems that your audience may face, you breed trust while encouraging brand advocacy and loyalty.

That being said, it’s also important to keep things light in a newsletter. It’s not often that people open newsletters from brands in the hopes of reading something negative – customers and prospects want helpful content, relevant news, and messaging that speaks to them. If you’re a small business, this may include staff updates, sharing a day in the life of your team, or may even include sharing and celebrating significant milestones with your customers.

Another great way of keeping things relevant and useful, particularly with regards to e-commerce or B2C businesses is user-generated content or UGC. If you can create the space for your customers to share their insights: how they use your product, various (uncommon) usages, or even video testimonials or feedback, this can help to create a fun community with a friendly face at the forefront. Brands and products these days are very often ‘faceless’, but with the rise of influencer and social media marketing, it’s clear now more than ever how crucial customer recommendations and video testimonials can be. By sharing testimonials, reviews or alternative product uses in your newsletters, your customers are sure to find value in your content.

Keep a Level of Consistency

It’s important that when sending newsletters and emails your branding and styling are consistent. Try to stick to a clear template, font, and style guide. Sending a different template or styling each time you send a newsletter can be confusing and won’t help you build trust or credibility with your audience.

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